Towards a Mobile Wearable Health Surveillance Monitoring Product
for First Response and other Hazardous Professions.
Monitoring Stress among First Responder professionals is a CMU-Portugal funded project with the main goal to provide secure, reliable and effective first-response systems in critical emergency scenarios. To achieve this goal an interdisciplinary team with expertise in areas such as wearable technology for vital signs, biomedical signal processing, sensor networks and RF Location/Intelligent buildings was formed.
Main Objectives:
- consolidate the VitalResponder® on-duty first responders health monitoring and surveillance technology, improving its scalability and adaptability to a wider set of requirements from different hazardous professions
- Improving the Data Analytics and psycho-physiology indicators to better detect trends and health threating
- Converging to a scalable, adaptable, mobile and integrated cloud services based ICT platform
- Perform a business concept validation and a manufacture supply chain strategy for guiding the path from prototype to the market through a start-up.
How are we doing it:
- Project is carrying out a cross-disciplinary research program covering the clinical and technical aspects of health surveillance.
- Clinical interventions are based on wearable and sensor technologies, connected by ad-hoc networks and supported by data mining algorithms and a ubiquitous/elastic ICT infrastructure.
- System’s workflows will satisfy the users requirements and the developed business concept.
System architecture:
The project is organized in 8 tasks as depicted in Figure 1.